Outside my window...it is cool and the earth is wet. There is the promise of a breeze to come and warmer weather. My willow tree appears to be dying, but I know that with the change of seasons she will return to her usual glory. In the previous sentence 'my' means: I'm the only person in the apartment complex who seems to notice we have such a beautiful willow spirit for a neighbor.
I am thinking...Oh how I love the night! It simply isn't fair that we live in a diurnal world. Hmmm...maybe one day.
I am thankful for...Winter coming to a close. If there were a hell, it would most certainly be cold and wet!
From the learning rooms...today I was faced again with my lack of patience and my need to control my environment right down to the last detail. I'm learning to be less anal about plans. I'm trying to learn to let go.
From the kitchen...a huge pile of dishes. But before that there was an awesome salad, some mozzarella sticks, and two little girls helping put dinner on the table while learning their candle color correspondences. (wow, say that 3 times fast!)
I am wearing...my favorite wrap around skirt that I rescued from Goodwill for...WHAT?! 4 BUCKS! THAT'S RIGHT!. It's got a silky green bottom layer and then a gauzy white top layer with green roses. And my brown button down shirt (cuz I was doing adult stuff today and a spaghetti strap just wouldn't cut it). Bare feet. And an anklet that I made myself.
I am creating...a peppy playlist of massive proportions. Incidentally, I am also creating a blogpost about said playlist as a sneaky way to get free song ideas from you ladies.
I am going...to stride through this year with purpose and grace.
I am reading...blogs. And Wynken, Blynken, & Nod. I also read the same paragraph of whatever I'm reading repeatedly because there are these little people in my house that are strictly averse to me turning a page and will stop at nothing to prevent it! Except, of course, in the case of the aforementioned Wynken, Blynken, & Nod.
I am hoping...that I can get into the Florida School of Traditional Midwifery in the fall. And I hope that I decide to put it off for a year because LoverMan decides that the planets have aligned in such a way for us to have that baby we've been talking about for so long now. (fat chance, but I can dream)
I am hearing...little giggles from my bedroom where two little girls are fast asleep ;)
Around the house...cookie crumbs and candles burning. The usual.
One of my favorite things...that hour before a real good summer storm, when the wind is blowing like crazy and you can actually FEEL the storm coming! When I was a girl, I would climb up on the roof, spread my arms wide, and try to absorb it! (on a side note: natural selection has started to fail, just as I surmised, because I never got struck by lightning)
A few plans for the rest of the week: I really need to catch up with friends this week. Specifically I need to call my Peg (aka BettyFuckingCrocker, the demigoddess). But also K, N, the other Peg, and B. LoverMan also would like to go out and do something, though he doesn't know what or when. Make little cheesecakes decorated with flames for Miss Fi to take to school on Friday. Her B-day is the 29th and she has decided that since it's so close to Imbolc she might as well drag my ass kicking and screaming out of the broom closet with her. .
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
My Awesome Goodwill Find!
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Don't rush Winter away, it's my favorite : ) Also, that skirt has bellydance written all over it!