Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Imbolc Day Book


Outside my's gray, overcast, damp, not cold, not really warm enough for comfort either, the wind is fabulous, and it's a dark moon tonight.

I am thinking...wouldn't it be nice if Rose would answer questions for someone other than her sister?  Hm...maybe I could take Fi to Rose's next p/t conference, then she would SEE that Rosie really does know all her sight words.

I am thankful for...knock knock jokes that make no sense but are always delivered with giggles.

From the learning rooms...maybe life is telling me to shut up right now.

From the kitchen...2 lbs of fingerling potatoes (halved), 2 lbs of baby carrots, 1 lb of parsnips peeled and cubed, 2 lbs of lean beef roast (whole), 1 whole yellow onion, 4 chives chopped, 6 cloves of garlic, 3 bay leaves, quarter of a handful of dried thyme, bout 30 seconds of shaking worth of rosemary, sea salt, black pepper, & 2 beef bullion cubes in my giant bulk cooking pot simmering on low, covered.  All to feed the hungry unexpected army of distant relatives who have suddenly (as in, for the very first time in my life) decided to descend upon us girls.

I am wearing...too big jeans with a stain (what kind? I do not know) on the right thigh, black spaghetti strap, LoverMan's "fancy" brown jacket.  How do I know it's fancy? Because he keeps complimenting his own jacket!

I am creating...artificial motivation to get up and clean this house before the relatives get here tomorrow morning.

I am Crystal Connection to pick up some essential oils to make happy spells in my house.

I am reading...still just blogs, and wynken, blynken, & nod.

I am hoping...that my dysfunctional relatives keep it within the realm of only slightly trashy behavior tomorrow.  Oh, god pass the pot...why did I give that up again? Oh, RIGHT, those little people...

I am Rose mumbling incessantly while Fi is making a suspicious amount of racket in the bathroom.

Around the house...Well, see, yesterday I started spring cleaning (because there wasn't even a hint I'd be having any company) and because I'm super neurotic, possibly bordering on OCD, that means that everything has to be drug out, cleaned, sorted, and put back juuuuuuust right.  I'm in between steps 1 and 2. Nuff said.

One of my favorite things...swimming naked in the river when I was 16 and couldn't have cared less about getting caught!

A few plans for the rest of the week:  See previous post...oh yeah, and those relatives didn't say when they'd be leaving.

If you'd like to participate in The Simple Woman's Day Book...well, hell, you know how to work a link ;P


  1. Mmmm, the beef and veggies look delicious. Good luck with the relatives.

  2. Why DID you give up the pot ; )

    It's ok to induldge once in a while...says the woman with the horns on her head.

  3. I do believe I could use a bit more of your philosophy on life & etc.


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