Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Sun

This being near the time of the Summer Solstice, I thought a post about The Sun would be appropriate.  I know, I personally tend to shy away from solar energy and solar deities simply because I, and probably most of you consider the Sun to be male.  I never really feel comfortable working with male energy, IDK why, it just doesn't feel right.  But anyway, because of this, I know very little about it astrologically or magically.
The artwork of Thalia Took.  Check out more at her A-Muse-ing Grace Gallery.

Godchecker lists the following deities associated with the Sun:
  • Adityas: 12 brother gods in Hindu myth who take turns being in charge of the Sun, and as you may guess, each is associated with a month.  They have varied areas of interest from justice to marriage, but the only ones who seem to have anything to with the Sun are Surya and Ansa.
  • Adrammelech: Supreme Sun god of the Sepharvites, and later the Samaritans.  Oft mentioned in Pentecostal churches because of a mention in 2 Kings of infant sacrifice.
  • Ah-Ciliz: Mayan God of Eclipses, devours the Sun god periodically.
  • Aja: Babylonian Sun God
  • Alklha: Slavic monster of eclipses (starting to think these guys need their own list).
  • Amana: South American creator goddess who made the Sun and manages it's daily movements.
  • Amaterasu: Shinto Sun Goddess.
  • Amun: Egyption Sun god.
  • Anansi: African spider, trickster god who created the Sun & Moon.
  • Apedemak: Sudanese Sun god.
  • Apollo: Greek Sun God.  
  • Arinna: Mother/Sun Goddess of the Hittites.
  • Ashvins: Twin Hindu gods that rode a golden chariot across the sky.
  • Aten: Minor Sun God turned first Monotheistic God of Egypt. (for a very long 17 years)
  • Atius-Tirawa: Creator of the Sun, Moon, & Stars in Native American (Pawnee) mythology.
  • Atri: Son of Brahma.  Makes sure the Sun stays in place.
  • Atum: Egyptian god of the setting Sun.
  • Au: God of the rising Sun in Oceanic mythology
  • Awonawilona: Native American (Pueblo, Zuni) God/dess of the Sun.
  • Aya: Mesopotamian Goddes of the Dawn and consort the the main Sun god.
  • Belenus: Celtic Sun God.
  • Ben-Elaba:  Mayan Sun God.
  • Bjort: Freya's handmaid & Goddess of bright sunlight.
  • Bumba: God who vomited up the universe, including the Sun.
  • Cautha: Etruscan Sun god/dess of the Dawn.
  • Chup-kamui: Japanese Sun god.
  • Dudugera: Sun god in Papau, New Guinea
  • Freyr: Norse Sun God.
  • Garuda: Indian Sun God with and eagle's head.
  • Gnowee: Aboriginal Sun goddess who eternally searches for her lost child with a torch in her hand.
  • Harmakhis: Another Egyptian Sun God.
  • Helios: Greek Sun God
  • Hesperides: Three Nymphs of Sunset.
  • Horus: Egyptian Sky god, the Sun was one of his eyes.
  • Huitziopochtli: Perhaps an Aztec Sun god?
  • Hynahpu: Mayan Sun god.
  • Huruing-Wuhti: Two old ladies who play ball with the Sun & make people out of clay. Hopi, Native American.
  • Inti: Incan God of the Sun.
  • Kaitangata: Polynesian God of Sunsets.
  • Kalvelis: Baltic Sun God.
  • Kan-Ajana: Southeast Asian Sun god.
  • Kinich-Ahau: Mayan Sun God.
  • Kuat: Brazilian Sun God.
  • Legba: Hatian Sun God, among other things.
  • Lugus: Welsh Sun God.
  • Mahes: Egytian god of Summer heat.
  • Mawu-Lisa: Sun/Moon brother/sister duo of the Fon people in Africa.
  • Mnevis:  Black Bull of the Moon in Egyptian mythology.
  • Nanautzin: Aztec god/dess of humble bravery who leaped into a sacrificial fire to become God of the Sun.
  • Nefertem: Egyptian God of the rising Sun.
  • Njambi: African Sky god.
  • OD: Norse Summer Sun god
  • Page-Abe:  South American Sun god.
  • Paivatar: Sunny Summer Goddess of Finland 
  • Punchau: Incan Sun God
  • Purusha: Indian God. His eye is the Sun.
  • Ra: Egyptian Sun God.
  • Raven: Native American god who stole the Sun and shared it with the world.
  • Rohini: Possibly an Indian Sun goddess.
  • Saule: (sow-lay) Slavic Sun Goddess
  • Savitri: Indian god of the moving Sun.
  • Sekhmet: Egyptian Sun Goddess
  • Shakaru: Pawnee Sun Goddess
  • Shamesh: Mesopotamian Sun God of Law.
  • Sol or Sunna: Norse Sun Goddess.
  • Sol (2): Roman equivalent of Helios
  • Takami-Musubi: Japanese Sun Goddess
  • Tamit: Native American Sun God.
  • Tamusi: South American god that keeps the Sun from getting too hot.
  • Tonatiuh: Aztec Sun god.
  • Tsohanoai: Navajo Sun carrying god.
  • Tsui-Goab: Namibian god who makes the Sun rise, and other things
  • Unelanuki: Cherokee Sun Goddess
  • Viracocha: Incan Sun God
  • Vivasat: Indian god of the rising Sun.
 Holy Shit! What a list! And Wikipedia lists many more. In addition to the above, the Sun is associated with Yang energy according to Daoist philosophy.  Being male, loud, bright, outgoing, ect.  Wikipedia also states:
Among Wiccans, the most common Wheel of the Year narrative is that of the God/Goddess duality. In this cycle, the God is born from the Goddess at Yule, grows in power at Vernal Equinox (along with the Goddess who has now returned to her maiden aspect), courts and impregnates the Goddess at Beltane, wanes in power at Lammas, passes into the underworld at Samhain, then is once again born from Her mother/crone aspect at Yule. The Goddess, in turn, ages and rejuvenates endlessly with the seasons, being courted by and giving birth to the Horned God. Versions of this myth vary from coven to coven, shifting the birth, conception, or death of the God to different sabbats.
Another solar narrative is of the Holly King and the Oak King, with one ruling the winter, the other the summer. These two figures battle with each other endlessly as the seasons turn. At Midsummer the Oak King is at the height of his strength, while the Holly King is at his weakest. The Holly King begins to regain his power, and at the Autumn Equinox, the tables finally turn in the Holly King's favor; he vanquishes the Oak King at Yule. Then over the next months, as the sun waxes in power, the Oak King slowly regains his strength; at the Spring Equinox he begins to triumph until he once again defeats the Holly King at Midsummer.[16]
 According to Myth Encyclopedia, Sun Gods are more popular than Sun Goddesses and are often portrayed as creators and associated with the fertility of the Earth.  Multiple 'kinds' of Sun deities appear throughout the world.  Tricksters, healers, Royalty, etc.  Often the Sun is not a being so much as something being hauled across the sky, usually in a boat, or later a chariot.  In myth, the Sun is commonly eaten or stolen to explain eclipses, and there are a few stories about too many Suns being whittled down to one.

In Astrology, the Sun is considered the most powerful 'planet' although it is a luminary.  The astrological sign the Sun was in when you were born is your Sun sign and prolly the one you think of when you look up your horoscope.  However popular the Sun sign is now, it came after the Rising sign in order of importance until quite recently.  In a nutshell, The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, says that your Sun sign dictates your overall personality or how the world sees you.  The astrological sign associated with the Sun is Leo and the Sun moves through your chart and your houses bringing all sorts of influences depending on the price of tea in China at the time.

There is also a curious case of American Sun worship lasting from the 1960's thru the 1990's, at which point everyone started realizing the Sun will turn you into bacon if you aren't careful.  Speaking of turning us into bacon, it is seemingly trying to do just that here in Florida.  If science were viewed as a kind of magic, then Global Warming would be one big, fat Karmic slap, imho.  St. John's Wort is the most celebrated solar herb and is commonly used for depression and in Summer Solstice celebrations.

As far as my personal practice goes, like I said I rarely work with solar energy, but we do put a shiny, gold Sun on top of the Solstice tree and we say "hello" & "thank you" some time around Midsummer.  Hope you enjoyed the article.  Feedback is welcome and let me know if there is any additional info you would like to see on this page.

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